Ando Hiroshige - Kyoka Tokaido
There are at least 17 Tokaido series by Hiroshige, starting with the “Great Tokaido” in 1834. The “Kyoka” Tokaido was the second Tokaido series. It was published by Sanoki in the late 1830's. The complete set consists of 56 woodblock prints. The prints are chuban size, which is smaller than the larger oban size. This series is known as the "Kyoka Tokaido" because each print has a kyoka, a short comic poem printed on it. I find this series more intimate because the smaller format pulls the viewer into the scene, like unstaged snapshots. Below are prints in our permanent collection. I have spent years trying to collect the best quality prints from the first printed series. You can see the red Sanoki publisher's seal on most of our prints. The prints are in order, captioned with the station name. You can also see images of the handful we are still searching for.
Note: The prints in this collection below are not for sale BUT we have some duplicates for sale if you do a search for prints from Hiroshige. Also, if you want an excellent translation of the amusing Kyoka poems please check out Maki Mishima's excellent eBook on Amazon.com.

1. Nihonbashi 日本橋

2. Shinagawa. 品川

3. Kawasaki. 川崎

4. Kanagawa. 神奈川

5. Hodogaya. 保土ヶ谷

6. Totsuka 戸塚

7. Fujisawa. 藤澤

8. Hiratsuka: Ferryboats. 平塚 馬入川渡舟

9. Ōiso. 大磯

10. Odawara. 小田原

11. Hakone 箱根


13. Numazu. 沼津

14. Hara. 原

15. Yoshiwara: Fuji at Nawate 吉原 左り富士ノ縄手

16. Kanbara 蒲原

17. The Yui River. 由井 由井川

18. The Okitsu River. 奥津 奥津川

19. Ejiri. 江尻

20. Fuchū. Second Street in the Licensed Pleasure Quarter. 府中 二丁町廓之図

21. Mariko 鞠子

22. Okabe: View of Mount Utsu. 岡部 宇津ノ山ノ図

23. Fujieda. 藤枝

24. Shimada. 嶋田

25. Kanaya. 金谷

26. Nissaka. 日阪

27. Kakegawa. 掛川

28. Fukuroi. 袋井

29. Mitsuke Ferry on the Tenryū River. 見附 天竜川船渡し

30. Hamamatsu 濱松

31. Maisaka: The Ferry at Imagiri. 舞坂 今切船渡

32. Arai 荒井

33. Shirasuka: View of Shiomizaka. 白須賀 塩見坂ノ図

34. Futakawa. 二川

35. Yoshida. 吉田

36. Goyu. 御油

37. Akasaka 赤坂

38. Fujikawa 藤川

39. Okazaki - Yahagi Bridge. 岡崎 矢はぎのはし

40. Chiryū. 池鯉鮒

41. Narumi 鳴海

42. Miya 宮

43. Kuwana - Tomita Post Station. 桑名 富田立場之図

44. Yokkaichi. 四日市

45. Ishiyakushi - The Station House. 石薬師 問屋場ノ図

46. Shōno. 庄野

47. Kameyama. 亀山

48. Seki. 関

49. Sakanoshita - View of Mount Fudesute. 阪之下 筆捨山之図

50. Tsuchiyama - Suzuka Mountains. 土山 鈴鹿山之図

51. Minakuchi. 水口

52. Ishibe. 石部

53. Kusatsu. 草津

54. Ōtsu. 大津

55. Kyōto - The Great Bridge at Sanjō. 京 三条大橋ノ図

56. Kyōto - The Imperial Palace. 京 内裏

Kyoka Tokaido Frontspiece