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Yoshitoshi - Mirror of Famous Generals

Yoshitoshi - Mirror of Famous Generals

Regular price $135.00 USD
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Tsukioka Yoshitoshi

Susanoo no Mikoto and Inadahime Awaiting the Eight-headed Serpent, from the series 'Mirror of Famous Generals of Japan (Dai nippon meisho kagami)'. After putting out eight barrels of sake, Susanoo waited until the serpent was drunk, then killed it. The series features images of warriors from throughout Japan's history with accompanying text.

A rare Yoshitoshi crepe paper print, Chirimen gami-e (縮緬紙), also known as “crepon”. Van  Gogh had 17 crepe prints in his ukiyo-e collection. This Meji-era technique involves using a type of crepe paper, to create beautiful textured prints. Woodblock prints were made at actual Oban size on the crepe paper, and then through an involved process of compression and dampening, the print shrinks in size, greatly concentrating the details and colors. These prints are all backed - which is good, since the paper material by itself is similar to a thin fabric and easily warped.

Genre: Ukiyo-e, Chirmengami-e

Size: 15.5cm x 21.5cm

Date: 1880’s

Condition: Good condition, insect damage as shown, backed.

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All our original woodblock prints are guaranteed authentic as described and shown. We don't make any Photoshop enhancements or add filters to our print images. Please check the print images front and back carefully before purchase, if you'd like additional pictures feel free to contact us. If, after purchase, you're not satisfied for any reason, return your print for a full refund within 15 days.